• Has your x-ray inspection equipment been “registered” with your State Radiation Control Agency as required by law?
  • Have you posted your required State “Notice to Employees” document in sufficient locations to be viewed to and from the restricted area?
  • Have you designated your facility Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)? This is the individual responsible for the safe use of this equipment. This individual is required to be trained and qualified to act as the RSO. The RSO is listed on almost all State facility x-ray equipment registration application forms?
  • Has your RSO developed a regulatory required written Radiation Protection Program (RPP) for your facility? Annual audit required.
  • Have all non-medical industrial type x-ray operators received initial radiation safety training and annual refresher thereafter as required?
  • Do you have a plan to routinely test the x-ray machine safety devices, inspect the equipment routinely for compliance and perform or have performed a radiation leakage emission survey annually? (NOTE: Some States require these tests be performed monthly, quarterly, or semiannual)?
  • If your facility is already registered, have you informed the State within 30 days, of any and all equipment additions, transfers, disposals or other changes that would render your initial registration application inaccurate? (NOTE: Some States require notification BEFORE the change can be made).
  • Canadian regulatory requirements vary from Province to Province but are very similar to the US. Send an email to contact@rcexraytraining.com to inquire about your Provincial requirements and applicable regulations.

If you answer “NO” to any of these State Radiation Control Agency regulatory requirements listed above, then you are not in full compliance with your State regulations and YOU are in need of expert guidance and assistance from RCE Consulting, LLC.


RCE Consulting, LLC is a veteran-owned company providing the “missing link” for those who have purchased, own and operate non-medical security and industrial type x-ray inspection equipment. RCE Consulting offers expert, affordable solutions, regulatory compliance guidance, regulatory required radiation protection programs and acceptable training courses to the OWNER of this type of screening equipment by providing complete, comprehensive and cost effective regulatory compliance solutions and materials for all owners in any State or Canadian Province.

About Us

RCE Consulting, LLC has 43 years of regulatory compliance and radiation safety experience in nuclear power plant operations, nuclear chemistry, health physics, nuclear waste processing, trace detection equipment and the radiation emitting devices industry. The radiation emitting devices industry includes non-medical security/baggage and industrial cabinet x-ray inspection equipment, bottle fill checkers using x-ray, density thickness gauging, hand held XRF equipment, and full body transmission x-ray imaging equipment.

RCE Consulting, LLC specializes in providing accurate and comprehensive guidance and the necessary forms and information to assist the owner in their initial registration of your x-ray inspection equipment. Twenty two (22) States and several Provinces require the registration application and fees be submitted BEFORE OPERATION.

We don’t stop there. RCE Consulting, LLC has extensive experience in radiation program development for the radiation emitting device owner. Programs are ready now for all State & Provincial owners and operators of industrial cabinet x-ray equipment and bottle fill checkers, handheld XRF analyzer equipment & full body x-ray screening systems. Go to the Home Page and click on RP Downloads. There are RPP’s for cabinet x-ray and full body scanners.

RCE Consulting, LLC has extensive experience in the development and presentation of Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and x-ray operator radiation safety training programs specific to non-medical security and industrial type x-ray operations that meet the requirements of ALL State radiation control agencies and Health Canada / Provincial radiation control agencies. You DO NOT need a 5-Day 40 hour RSO course to become a RSO for industrial x-ray systems. Those courses are primarily for individuals who manage programs using radioactive materials. Your equipment contains NO radioactive materials.

RCE Consulting, LLC has provided written radiation protection programs, RSO (Custodian) training and non-medical security and industrial type x-ray operator radiation safety training to hundreds of facility RSO’s and 20,000+ x-ray operators for security installations in courthouses, jails, prisons, mail-rooms, Olympic venues, global summits, casino’s, cruise lines and air freight carriers, as well as hundreds of food processing and packaging facilities throughout the United States and Canada.

RCE Consulting, LLC is recognized to provide the services described in the United States and is approved in writing by Health Canada to provide regulatory compliance and radiation safety training services at both federal and provincially regulated facilities throughout Canada. RCE Consulting, LLC can also provide global regulatory compliance assistance. Programs already exist for Mexico, the UK, Japan and Hong Kong.